This is the Stattmann Baby!!  Time to Scatt a little bit.

On this Thanksgiving weekend, I’m thankful we live in a country where we can pay our money as fans and get away with stuff we’d be jailed for if we did it in the parking lot.

We can throw things at athletes who aren’t bothering us.  We can threaten their lives by hurling anything at their high speed machines and feel we have that right because we’re FANS.

We can be thankful that we’re not THEM because we don’t do what THEY do OVER THERE.  We’re better than them.  We’re FANS.

And we can be thankful that we have the right to drink ourselves into a stupor and curse THEM and salute symbols that stand for hatred and fear and feel we have that right because we’re fans.

Less than twelve hundred days after 9/11 we’re still pointing fingers at THEM and saying THEY’RE the reason for our problems.  THEY'RE the blame.

When you wash your hands for Thanksgiving Dinner this week, look in the mirror.  Do you see a person who can make a difference and make the world a better place or do you see a FAN?

Enjoy the holiday.
