Richard Petty Feat

Richard Petty and Don Garlits on Richard Petty

Legendary Drivers Richard Petty & Don Garlits talked with the Freaks many years ago. Petty talked about NASCAR’s future and the possibility of racing in Big Cities. We pulled that from our Freakin’ Flashback Files. And on Petty’s 86th birthday Sunday, we remembered Legendary Drag Racer Don Garlits telling us about how he considered Petty’s…

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La Street Race Feat

Chicago Wasn’t NASCAR’s FIRST Street Race

There were many stories written this week making Chicago the first NASCAR street ever. But Kenny Sargent covered one way back in September of 1999 in Los Angeles around the Los Angeles Coliseum parking lot. Some major names were in the NASCAR Southwest Tour race including Cup stars Kenny Irwin (pictured) and Ken Schrader. Listen…

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2023 Nascar Chicago

Street Race a Hit Despite Chicago Rain

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. Iā€™m often critical of NASCAR but this Chicago street race thing was positively inspired. Overlook the weather. It rains in the Midwest in the summertime. The layout of the track, though, was excellent. It inspired racing bumper to bumper. Even the drivers had…

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