This is the Statt Mann Baby!! Time to Scatt a little bit.

The coverage of motorsports is smaller and less alive because Shav Glick can no longer take part in the process.

Shav died Saturday morning after a long battle with melanoma.

Several years ago before he retired I took a chance and wrote Shav an email. He didn’t know me from the dirt on his shoe but he responded and, from that, we began building a professional relationship.

When we’d see each other at some race track we’d talk about racing, our lives, where we were as men.

Then, one night at Irwindale Speedway, Shav broke out in laughter in mid visit. When he gathered himself, he said it just dawned on him that the man in the email and Statt Mann standing in front of him were one in the same.

Watching this man enjoy life brought a smile to mine.

I consider myself a pretty good writer but what I do and what Shav did were two different things. We used the same words but Shav crafted Ansel Adams images with his. His clarity in a piece could be breath taking.

The fact that I knew the man was breath taking to me when I learned of his death.

Peace, Shav.
