Crash Gladys
Well, let’s see, I’ve lived in the Los Angeles area now for 13 years (holy cow time flies). I originally flew out to LA-LA land to actually get away from racing and try out my acting bug, but lo and behold look what happened… I auditioned for this motorsports show and I was back in the circus ring yet again… and I LOVE IT! SpeedFreaks is the perfect combo of showbiz and racing!
Born and raised in Indianapolis, I’ve pretty much bled motorsports since day one… and my blood type? Ethanol. 100% IndyCar grade. I lived at 16th & Georgetown each and every May. Heck, blame my Dad. He was a Medical Director at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway when I was just a kitten, so I knew the innerds of the IMS grounds almost as well as the Hulman George family themselves. By the time I was 4 years old, I hob-nobbed with the Andretti and Unser clans like no one’s business. Then after my party days at Indiana University, I worked in the marketing departments for two teams (Dick Simon Racing and PacWest Racing Group).
Oh… you’re wondering if I missed something? Well, sort of… while in college I was an Indy 500 Festival Princess. But it was a comical undertaking as many of the girls were in it for the free clothes, spectacular banquets and hot mechanics. Me? Nah… I was more concerned with working the garage area to learn about the camber and caster of the wheels and then set up a job with a team in a couple of years. I’d say it paid off.
And now look where I am… producing and hosting one of the hottest radio & TV shows in the racing world. Wow!
Recently I have taken up the mission to help race fans get into better shape and to live longer and healthier lives (so, of course, we can watch many, many more races together down the road). I can coach you through just about anything… P90X (I’m officially certified), TurboFire, Insanity, Slim in 6, Ten Minute Trainer, Yoga Booty Ballet, Shakeology, The Ultimate Reset and more! To join in on my health & fitness mission, contact me through my website, www.RaceToBeFit.com, sign up for a free account to join my team and let’s get you movin’ and shakin’! And who knows, if we can get enough people together, we can put together Fit Clubs at a race track this year, too!
If you wanna know anything else about me, just ask. You can reach me on email: CrashG@SpeedFreaks.TV or when I monitor the SpeedFreaks Twitter account: @SpeedFreaks or even my personal Facebook & Twitter accounts… Crash Gladys Facebook & @CrashGladys Twitter
Now, maybe these additional tidbits here will tide you over until I return your messages with the juicy stuff you really want to know about CRASH GLADYS! Ha!
Why are you called ``Crash Gladys``?
Well, it started with a go-kart accident in ’97 while working for PacWest. I’m a competitive person, so I knew I could outrun the boys one fine morning. What I neglected to remember were the minor details that (1) we were up all night celebrating an IndyCar win, (2) it was raining and (3) I hadn’t had any coffee yet. Long story short, I confused my left foot from my right, and rather than slamming on the brake I jammed on the throttle and… CRASH!… into a tree stump at 30 mph! Yep, that was fun. The Gladys part is from Sargent. He loved a band on Hollywood Boulevard named ‘Smashed Gladys’. So you can say it’s a tribute to those 1980’s rockers… Legs Up!
What else do you like?
Downhill snow skiing… no, not boarding, SKIING! Thank you Mamma for taking me to Vail and teaching me another love when I was a kiddo.
Jet skiing is a close second… also dancing, singing, working out (of course). I also enjoy photography, landscaping, wine tasting (definitely a red lover)… and I am completely infatuated with my two incredible cats!
Any other sports?
Heck yeah… my favorite teams are the Denver Broncos, Indianapolis Colts, Indiana Pacers, Indiana Hoosiers, Texas Longhorns, LA Clippers and anything soccer, baby!
I did mention red wine earlier, right? Also chocolate (preferably dark), travel (anywhere in the world) and any chance to be spontaneous to just do something different every so often. OK, so not all are actually weaknesses, but just plain stuff I love. By the way, as I type this, I have a glass of red to my right…
It’s pretty random, but includes Jimmy Buffett, The Eagles, Tom Petty, Pink, Sheryl Crow, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, John Mellencamp, U2, Gwen Stefani, Little Big Town, Michael Jackson, Kid Rock and more…