Kenny Sargent
Lets get the niceties out of the way…
From my humble beginnings on-air at KSHU 89.3 FM at Sam Houston State University, my resume spans 35 years. I’ve been covering a big ol’ load of rock & roll and racing on major market radio station’s KTXQ(Dallas), KLOS and Pirate Radio(Los Angeles) to television’s UPN News 13, Animal Planet, ESPN, CBS Sports, NBC Sports, Fox Sports, MAVTV, ESPN2, SPEED, and even Nippon TV. That’s a phat ‘ol network in Japan.
When I wasn’t on the happy sauce, I was always on-point and in your face with interviews with the tops in their class. At least that is what they told me.
I think my defining motorsports moment, besides my huevoes dropping at 12 seeing Cha Cha Muldowney, was my first ride, a 1974 Gremlin.
Oh yea, white with two big Longhorn burnt orange stripes down the side. The hood was packin’ a 304-double-pumping love machine with 60’s on the front, 50’s on the back, Jack Rabbit shocks on the rear and a couple of house speakers in the back seat.
Before that, I was WFO on a Yamaha YZ80 and then graduated to a Suzuki TM100. First gear was bush but fourth was a monster. Brad Lackey would’ve been proud.
What I know...
You had to freakin’ ask. Well, not much when I am awake, except that I was born in Dallas, lived in Los Angeles for 23 years and now in Phoenix since 2103. Darwin was a rock star. Formula One still blows. And being a girldad is the greatest goddamn profession on the planet.
Certain people...
Should keep walking so others can enjoy the space.
Motorsports is…
My mistress. Does that mean my wife Crash Gladys is my mistress?
Music is...
Mainlined daily. “Hell Bent For Leather”
Best song for now…
A powerchord during the day and Enya at night. Yup.
You should have met…
My old baseball buddy, Jimmy Porter. He was a barnstormer in the old American Negro Leagues (and the organizer of the 1920’s Carrollton Cats, a black semi-pro baseball team) that would roll around my North Central Texas neighborhood in the 60’s with bats and gloves over his shoulder. He was always there. Inevitably, he would get our punk asses on the diamond and school us on how to play ball. Little did we know, life lessons.
Why concern yourself with...
The nationality of people. Aren’t we one? I have a much bigger problem with homophobes, pulpit con artists and those who swear by’em.
My job...
Is a freakin’ pleasure when I’ve had enough sleep and get a slow hug from my daughter before school. When neither are available, therapy and prescription drugs will do.
I'm not totally sure about...
How you can stick the rear wheels of a top fuel dragster at 330+ mph.
Freakin' parting shot…
Never act as smart as you could be and never act as dumb as you really are. You’ll full’em every time.