
Formula D Keeps Drifting Up!

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. We haven’t talked about Formula Drift much but that doesn’t mean the series isn’t growing. Not by a LONG shot! Last night was the seventh of eight rounds in the 2017 championship. Irish driver James Deane (On the left) won at Texas Motor…


Some Things Never Change

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. In the past 16 years we’ve seen incredible changes in motorsports. That includes all-wheel drive, turbocharging, hybrids and more. One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is the excellence of Stephan Papadakis. I’m an unapologetic fan of Steph. Have been for a long time.…


It May Be Green…

This is the Statt Mann, Baby. It’s time to Scatt a Little Bit… ESPN has a campaign promoting the Masters Golf tournament. The tagline: “It may be green but it won’t be spring until The Masters.” You could say the same thing in Southern California: “It may be green but it won’t be spring until…


It’s The Story That Counts

This is the Statt Mann, Baby. It’s time to Scatt a Little Bit… There are still good stories in motor racing. I mean the stories where guys emerge from the ether and win events and championships. One of the best I know of now is Michael Essa winning the Formula Drift title at Irwindale. That…


Essa Gets First FD Win in Florida

This is the Statt Mann Baby. It’s time to Scatt a little bit. After the Formula Drift opener at Long Beach I said BMW drifter Michael Essa is a driver worth watching and he’d get his first win soon. Well soon came Saturday night in Round 3 at Palm Beach. Essa won beating defending champion…