
Eric Jacuzzi on Aero, Fabrication & Facemasks

NASCAR R&D Engineer Eric Jacuzzi is the Senior Director of Aerodynamics at the NASCAR facility. But our main topic of conversation Sunday night centered on what brilliant engineering minds in motor racing could do to help with the COVID-19 global pandemic ripping apart America. What Jacuzzi and The Freaks considered, however, was how fabricators who…


Climbing Outside of a Box

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. I love it when people think outside the box. Refusing to think outside the box may be a reason why so many Americans are quarantined inside a social box now. But I saw some outside the box thinking today while watching CBS Sunday…


Get Ready for a New Normal

This is the Statt Mann Baby. Time to Scatt a little bit. Those of you waiting for things to return to normal better take two aspirin and sleep that off. The normal we knew is gone. Except maybe in NASCAR. Despite fan response to the new, shorter and more competitive iRacing invitationals we may see…